Sunday, October 25, 2015

Alright so here is my first set of step by step guides for the Sorylian Collective. I used only Reaper Paints. I'll list each paint by name and number at each step. First up is the Plumbata Corvette. Sorry about the weird shadows on the first couple.

 Right out of the box

 Based in BLACK, I use the cheapest, biggest bottle of black paint I can find.

 The basecoat is PEACOCK GREEN 09226

 Next I used STORMY GREY 09088 on all the weapons and exposed metal bits. Then painted BRILLIANT GREEN 09227 on the green sections.

 Then I did a highlight layer on the grey first with CLOUDY GREY 09089 and a second highlight with MISTY GREY 09090

Next up I added the yellow strip and a small strip on the bottom. The first layer was MUSTARD YELLOW 29807 then a highlight of PALE SAFFRON 29809

 Finally I highlighted green areas with VIPER GREEN 09228

 BOOM! Done! I'm still working on the engine colors, but I'll post my process for painting engines at a later date.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Finally received my back ordered paints and started working on my Sorylian Armada. I started with the smallest ships, the Plumbata Corvettes and Reaper Frigates. I'm saving one of each type to hopefully record some painting videos. I have a couple complete pictures here and tomorrow I'll post a step by step painting guide for the Plumbata. 

 Reaper Frigate

Plumbata Corvettes

Monday, October 12, 2015

Some more stuff arrived!
Got some new brushes, a cool wet palette and a huge box of super glue.

 Kolinsky Sable Windsor 7

 A Da Vinci synthetic brush, it was cheap but its a good brand.

 12 pack of super glue, was only 3 bucks.

 Masterson wet palette, with the lid on.

Here's the inside.

I'm excited to try out all this new stuff. I'm still waiting for my paints to arrive before I can use them however. I'll get to work super gluing all my Sorylian ships and start base coating them in the meantime.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Ordered my first really expensive, nice paint brush yesterday. A Kolinsky Sable Windsor Newton Series 7 size 0. If your art knowledge is lacking, I'll tell you that this is a damn fine brush. Also ordered a cool paint brush holder since I've been using a mason jar for many years, felt like it was worth the price. Hoping to get a new wet palette today too. I'll toss up this picture of a High Elf Griffin Rider from Warhammer Fantasy.

Painted this several months ago. Don't remember the exact colors. This is from the Island of Blood starter set.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Directorate Pacification Fleet Unboxing

Just wanted to throw up some pictures. They are fantastic quality just like the other boxes I opened. They have some flashing on the back that should be easy to clean off.

 Same rule supplement that was in the Bastion Fleet box.

 Integration Class Assault Carrier and 4 Induction class Frigates.

 Appropriation Class Assault Cruisers.

 Short Range Shuttle craft Tokens.

Hope to get to these models after I finish painting my massive Sorylian Collective Fleet. I had to order some more paints after I decided on a paint scheme. They where back ordered so It might be awhile till I get them. 

Monday, October 5, 2015

Finished my Victory at Sea ships!

I gave them a simple paint job, they didn't have a ton of detail. Base coated them, then applied a black wash for the grey surfaces and the decks where washed with either flesh or sepia. Finally, I gave them highlights in light grey or a diluted white. I would definitely like to add to these fleets with battleships and carriers later on but, I have enough projects going on right now.

German Heavy Cruiser Scharnhorst.

 While researching these I learned a few things about German destroyers. They didn't have names and instead had numbers. These are actually B-97 class destroyers. The subsequent ships of the same class are given the name B-98, B-99 and so on, So indeed one of these ships is the B-110, but the others are not.

My German Fleet.

 British Cruiser Glasgow.

British Destroyers.

 My British Fleet.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Opening some Sorylian Collective boxes!

 Bastion Fleet.

 Amentum Class Battlecruisers.

 Katar Class Assault Cruisers.

 Corvus Class Frigates.

 Various bits and flight stands.

 Also in the box, some planets and a rules supplement.

 Carrier Group.

Xiphos Class Carrier.

 Kontas Class Escorts and Short Range Spacecraft.

 Hasta Class Battlecruisers.

 Short Range Spacecraft.

 Finally, the Frigate and Corvette Box

Reaper Class Frigates, with a bit of flashing on the nose.

 Plumbata Class Corvettes.

Overall I really like these models, some of the larger ships have a few bits that need to be glued but nothing to difficult. They have very little if any mold lines and only a few models had flashing. I'll work on getting them assembled and start painting soon. Also tomorrow I'll post the unboxing of my Directorate Pacification Fleet.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Another package today!

My Firestorm! has arrived!

Also picked up a Directorate Fleet. Stay tuned for more Firestorm Armada! Unboxings will be coming soon!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Some packages arrived today!

I received my Reaper Paint set, and my World War 1 ships from C in C

Paints! Exciting! I plan on using these to paint my Firestorm Armada fleet. Its kinda hard to see as the sun was behind them in the photo, its 3 shades of green from Reaper Miniatures. They are really good paints. I bought these from Miniature Giant
 They came in these little boxes undamaged, and had only a little flashing to clean. 
Above is the Scharnhorst and the Glasgow.

 British and German destroyers.

They also sold WW1 planes so I picked up an Albatross just for fun.

I put the box cards in each picture so it would be easier to identify them. They are all World War 1 ships. B-110s are German destroyers and the M Class destroyers are British. As I stated above these are from C in C and are 1/2400 scale, I plan to use them for Victory at Sea. I'll post more pictures of the Albatross once its built. Hope to get these painted up really soon!